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Readers –

'Tis the season, once more to discuss the all important topic of Commencement. If you happen to be a graduate from the UTK COAD program, this information especially applies to you. Despite the constant e-mails and constant reminders around the Art and Architecture Building, we would like to provide you all with one more friendly reminder as deadlines approach.

– The Commencement and Hooding Reception will take place on Friday, May 13 starting at 3:30PM and will end at 5:30PM. This is BEFORE the actual ceremony itself.

– The actual Commencement and Hooding ceremony will take place that same day at 7PM in Thompson-Boling.

– There will not be tickets for commencement or the reception, but please make sure to RSVP on the UTK COAD Commencement site.

– Caps, gowns, and hoods should be purchased through the Bookstore by Monday.

Interior Design Graduates: You will not be able to purchase your hood through the Bookstore, but you may borrow a hood from the college via Brett Whitworth.

Please see the UTK COAD Commencement website should you need more information or contact Jenny Collins.

IMPRINT. would like to offer their congratulations to the graduates on their success and luck in their future endeavors! Please remember to have your submissions in for the Commencement book in to Liz Carter by April 22.

Thank you.

– Liz, acting editor

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